Work Injury Treatments

Reach out to Dr. Kentia Jean-Charles, Dr. Louis Macolino, and Dr. Billy Ford of Walk In Medical Center Rehab if you need treatment for work-related injuries in Lynbrook, NY.

What Are Common Workplace Injuries?

Professional workplaces are supposed to prioritize safety. However, you cannot assume you will be completely safe during your shifts. Whether it’s due to negligence or bad luck, workplace accidents still happen from time to time.

Many of the injuries workers commonly sustain are related to overexertion. By pushing your body to the limit, you effectively make yourself more vulnerable to injuries. Sprains and strains are fairly common overexertion injuries. You may develop these injuries after trying to carry, push, or throw heavy objects.

Slips and falls also happen occasionally in workplace settings. Injuries people can sustain from slips and falls include bruises, twisted ankles, and fractures. If your head hits hard after you fall to the ground, you could also end up with a traumatic brain injury.

Workers should also be wary of repetitive motion injuries. While not individually harmful, repetitive motions can eventually wear down your joints and cause significant damage. Bursitis, nerve compression, and tendinitis are common repetitive motion injuries.

Don’t forget that you are still on the clock when you are using the company vehicle. Any health issues you develop following an accident in the company vehicle are also workplace injuries. You may end up with painful injuries such as whiplash and herniated discs after your company car accident.

Dr. Jean-Charles, Dr. Macolino, and Dr. Ford of Walk In Medical Center can administer expert treatment for your work-related injuries in Lynbrook, NY.

How Can a Chiropractor Treat Your Workplace Injuries?

Upon reviewing the common workplace injuries detailed in the previous section, you’ll find that many of them are musculoskeletal issues. They may be injuries related to misalignments or bruising and fraying of the soft tissues.

Since many workplace injuries are related to the musculoskeletal system, treating them with chiropractic care makes sense. Chiropractors can utilize different, complementary techniques to address your workplace injuries.

Spinal adjustments are effective solutions for many musculoskeletal issues. They can eliminate the pain, stiffness, and weakness caused by your injuries by correcting the misalignments in your musculoskeletal system.

Acupuncture, therapeutic exercise, and therapeutic ultrasound excel at treating soft tissue injuries. Your chiropractic care team can use them to facilitate faster injury recovery.

Physical therapy may be integrated into your treatment if you need to recover strength and flexibility.

Call 516-341-7706 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jean-Charles, Dr. Macolino, and Dr. Ford of Walk In Medical Center if you’re seeking treatment for work-related injuries in Lynbrook, NY.

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